Second IMAG-OCAMI Joint Conference on Differential Geometry
Second edition of the Conference in Differential Geometry organized in collaboration between IMAG (Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada) and OCAMI (Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute). This event, to be held at IMAG from February 10th to 14th 2025, focuses on current advances in the field of geometric analysis, bringing together researchers and experts from across the world.
Geometrical aspect of architecture and structural mechanics
La Universidad de Granada se sitúa en la horquilla 51-75 en Matemáticas en el ranking de Shanghái a nivel mundial, y sigue manteniéndose como la primera a nivel nacional.
Upcoming activities
Differential Equations Seminar Title: The superposition of operators of mixed fractional order. Speaker: Caterina Sportelli (University of Western Australia). Abstract: In this talk we introduce the superposition operator \(\displaystyle \int_{[0,1]}(-\Delta)^s u\, d\mu(s),\qquad\quad (1)\) where \(\mu\) denotes a (Borel) signed measure on the fractional interval \([0, 1]\). The signed measure isContinue Reading Geometry Seminar Title: TBA. Speaker: Francisco Martín (Dpto. Geometría y Topología UGR). Abstract: TBA. For further information, visit: Reading
The superposition of operators of mixed fractional order
Seminario de geometría
Courses and seminars
Ultrapotencias en espacios de Banach
On the existence and classification of k-Yamabe gradient solitons
The superposition of operators of mixed fractional order
Rafael Tsiamis
María Sáez Trumper
Maciej Czarnecki
Federico Nudo
Grant holders
Gabriel González Domínguez
Jorge López Repiso
Samer Dweik
Andrés López Mena
Arnold de la Peña Cuao
Differential Geometry @ L’Aquila (June 30 – July 4, 2025)
The conference of Differential Geometry @ L’Aquila, in Italy, will take place from June 30 to July 4, 2025. Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. Please register filling the registration form. Speakers Carla Cederbaum (University of Tuebingen, Germany) Anna Fino (Università di Torino, Italy) Mattia Fogagnolo (Università di Padova,
Protocolo ante el acoso
PROTOCOLO UGR sobre Prevención y Respuesta ante el Acoso
Si has percibido o sufrido acoso en el entorno del IMAG puedes consultar esta página . Si necesitas ayuda o apoyo, escribe a Lidia Fernández, a la dirección
Manifiesto por el reconocimiento equitativo
Statement on women’s rights in Iran
La comunidad investigadora del IMAG ratifica esta declaración redactada por el Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal) como muestra de apoyo, solidaridad y hermandad a las mujeres y niñas de Irán en su lucha legítima y pacífica por sus derechos.
2025 STARS Research Funding Programme at the University of Padua
We are pleased to inform you that the University of Padua (Italy) has launched the fifth edition of the Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padua – STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals. This funding Programme supports excellent 30-month research projects to be performed in Padua by outstanding Principal Investigators (PIs) of
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