About the school

September 19, 2023

This project aims to create the European Doctorate School of Differential Geometry (ESDG). The realization of this type of event is essential to maintain the vitality of Differential Geometry in Europe. Differential Geometry is a field of Mathematics with a plethora of progress in recent years (to name only a few, we mention the solutions to the Lawson, Poincaré and Willmore conjectures), and which has helped to project Europe in the International Mathematics scenario.

The ESDG target audience is focused on young researchers, as well as Master and Doctoral students involved in the area of Differential Geometry. The ESDG will encourage the cohesion of the different research groups in Europe, having significant effects on the development of Mathematics on the continent. This project aims to emphasize the creation of a school that effectively counts on the participation of the European scientific community in the area and foreign researchers of the highest level.

The idea is to create a solid and resilient event, with a clear projection in the future and became one of the most important traditional events in the European Mathematics scene. The ESDG will take place every two years, each occasion in a European country

Among the general objectives of the ESDG, we mention the following:

  • Promote a significant advance in research, scientific exchange and improvement of doctoral programs in Europe.
  • Aggregate research groups all over Europe with groups from other national and international institutions present at the event.
  • Bring together young researchers and students of Differential Geometry in Europe to stimulate interest in advanced studies and research in Mathematics in the area of Differential Geometry.

As for the specific goals of the ESDG, we highlight:

  • Foster the integration of Europeans and foreign researchers working in the field of Differential Geometry.
  • Provide scientific exchange.
  • Stimulate the training of new researchers in Differential Geometry.
  • Promote recent results in Differential Geometry.
  • Promote the study of current topics in this area through mini-courses, conferences, problem/working sessions and poster sessions.
  • Improve and expand the mathematical culture in Europe.
  • Awakening young people to scientific research and initiation into research in mathematics.